Born and raised in Belgium, I’m passionate about completing triathlons and exploring new places. My studies have taken me to the Netherlands and Canada, where I immersed myself in different cultures. I’m naturally inclined to connect with others and approach life with enthusiasm and empathy. I believe that life is better when shared. Outside of my pursuits, I’m an avid coffee lover and outdoor enthusiast. Whether I’m savoring a fresh brew with good friends or pushing myself on the racecourse, I always strive to do my best and fully embrace every moment.
Social security law Tax Litigation Private Wealth Legal Interim Management Family Governance International Pension Commercial Liability IP/IT Data protection Consumer protection Environmental Law Civil Banking and finance Estate planning Employment law Private equity Corporate Compliance Alternative dispute resolution Competition Law Business Criminal Law Contract Insurance Anti-trust Distribution Real estate Start-ups
Charlotte is eager to learn and pick up new things.
Her determination and passion push her and others to do better.
Charlotte approaches every challenge with energy and focus, showing resilience and a strong desire to improve.